Class Descriptions


This is a slow moving class, good for those working with limitations or injuries. Lots of props are used so everyone can do something. Good to have a chair and some wall space available.

Level 1/2-

This class requires knowledge of the Poses, inversions are introduced and practiced in these classes. Learning step by step how to build your inversion practice slowly and safely, deeper back bending and forward bending poses are also introduced. Good to have 3 blankets 2 blocks, a belt, chair and wall space available.

Level 2-

This level is a progression of your practice, deepening and exploring each pose as we build This class requires knowledge of and practice of the inversions.

Multi Level classes a variety of poses are taught, as well as variations to compensate for injury’s ect. 

Please have a yoga mat, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, a belt and a chair, plus wall space if possible.

SheilaBunnellYoga Page on Face Book or
