
3 Saturday miniseries, Jan 20th, Feb 17th, Mar 16th Noon-1:30pm

@Resilient Soul Wellness Center, 735 Commerce Center Dr. Suite C Sebastain FL 32958

This miniseries starts Jan 20th with standing and balance poses working to build a deeper connection with our feet and the ground we stand on. February 17th we move onto backbends and opening the heart center, and on March 16th we will work on twists and forward bends. All classes will explore the effects the poses has on our mind and breath.

All 3 $50 or $20 single class, you can sign up and pay with CC on classes page, or pay with cash or check day of the class. Any questions contact Sheila.

How to sign up:

Go to ‘Book a Class”, Initially you will need to sign up for momoyoga, then you will be able to pay. You can also contact me directly to make other arrangements. You must sign up in advance.